Metal usage in the mouth is gradually decreasing with the developing technologies and aesthetic expectations. The production of biocompatible materials is also becoming more and more common. In this way, it is possible to provide patients with natural smiles while preserving their health by making biocompatible restorations.
Zirconium Restorations
It is an aesthetic and durable white material that is used instead of metal infrastructure. Thanks to its gingiva compatibility, aesthetic properties and durability, it can be used for a wide variety of superstructures from single and multiple tooth deficiencies to implant restorations. When durability is desired to be at the forefront, all surfaces called monolithic zirconium can be prepared to be zirconium, or they can be applied as a substructure for aesthetic ceramics. Their light transmittance is much better than metal restorations and the purple appearance on the gums, which is common in metal-supported restorations, does not occur in zirconium restorations. It can be used easily in patients with metal allergies.
Glass Ceramic Restorations
They are the most aesthetic restorations used in dentistry. They are produced directly from ceramic without using any substructure (white or gray), thus their light transmittance is very close to natural teeth. However, since there is no substructure, they can only be used in single tooth restorations, lamina restorations, and inlay / onlay restorations called porcelain fillings. Technically sensitive procedures. For this reason, it is important that the physician and the ceramist studying this material have a good knowledge of it.
ioHPP Restorations
It is a material that can be used to apply in metal-free restorations, especially in fixed, screwed or removable prostheses on implants. It is white in color, but since it is an opaque material, it is used with different superstructures for aesthetic purposes.
It can be used safely, ensuring the patient high comfort, especially in removable prostheses on implants where metal framework are frequently used.